(insert sad melody here)

SIGH. I loved turnips as a kid. Loved them. So when I saw them pop up this fall in my trusty grocer's pantry, I thought eureka! Let's have a go with them!

I'm not a real fan of mash. Reminds me of baby food. Yucky. Instead I decided to try (drum roll please)...baked turnip fries! They looked beauti-mous. Golden, slightly charred, spiced up lovely little things just waiting to be savored. Yay! (hearing crickets) No yay? Boo? Yes. Boo. Too pungent and bitter tasting. My mouth tasted like perma-turnip. Not good. In the trash they went. Next!

Rutabaga! I never had rutabaga. But...I read up on them and saw they were on the sweet side, and not as strong as turnips. Commence try number 2 with veggie fries - or baked ruta-fries, I guess is more correct.

From raw to burnt in 15 minutes flat. I am some kind of skilled. And that thing was really hard to cut into! Like a grapefruit shaped rock. Mmmmm yummy. Into the trash that went.

Do I get anything for at least being open minded and trying something new? All these veggies I'm eating, I wanted variety. Not happening lol. At least not with these two. On to the next!