I just discovered that you can now write diary/blogs on here. I really like the idea of recapping the day. What went well, what went wrong and other brain droppings :D 

Today is Day 2 of my first dietbet, the Transformer.

So far I'm pretty enthusiastic and motivated, but I guess that‘s just the initial thrill of starting this new thing. Of course this is not the first time I have experienced the feeling of "this is a fresh start, everything is great" followed by (usually around the 2 weeks mark) a lethargic "maaan this is hard and no fun at all" and eventually resignation, falling back into bad habits and so forth. In fact it has happened multiple times so far and I‘m sure you are all too familiar with this course of events.

Despite my history with dieting, self-improvement and the consequent failure to achieve long-term positive effects, I am very confident that this thing will work. Why? Because dietbet gives you all the tools to succeed, there are no excuses this time!

Feel like going to the store to buy candy? Or you're just too lazy to cook a healthy meal and delivery service sounds just sooo delicious and quick and easy and... well, it was a long day right?! WRONG because you can just go to the Transformer's page to see other people are doing it, even though their day was just as long and they even find time to post about it! There are always people there to support you, to like your posts, to give good advice.

That's the great thing about social dieting. It's a community effort. Dietbet perfectly utilizes the fact that we humans are animals that are imprinted to find groups to achieve anything really. So why would there be a reason to fail this time?


Anyway after this little autosuggestive peptalk to myself, I will now go to sleep! I haven't felt this positive in a long time and that's the best :)


Tomorrow I will test the homemade fruit popsicles I made tonight. If they turn out to be good, I'll post it here and also other recipes that I like.


(Also to anybody who stumbles across this - I'm not entirely sure where this will show up yet - I'm not a native speaker so please excuse me when I make mistakes or have a weird choice of words :D)