So, here I am the day after Christmas and I FINALLY weighed myself to see the damage I've done the past month. I didn't weigh myself because I was so ashamed and knew I was doing bad. I think I didn't weigh myself because I WANTED to keep eating bad and not take accountability. Long story short I went nuts and ate anything and everything in excess. On one hand it was great because I felt like shit and when I feel like overeating again I can remember how UNCOMFORTABLE i felt. But the food was good. Either way, I'm back on track today and I'm going grocery shopping this weekend and i'm going to start to recipie plan but I'm wondering if I should do the Duken Diet or stick with my Weight Watchers and eat sensibly?

So, I weighed myself and i'm back up to 214, last I weighed in the beginning of December at 202, so 12 POUNDS! Good god! I keep telling myself that by next week i'll be nder 210 for sure and it's just all the sugar, salt and water. :). My last blog post had a great reply where the woman said I might not make the January goal but I WILL make it in the end so i'm trying to stick with that. Happy New Year!