Happy New Year!

A little background. 2013 was winding up as an awesome year. I was in the best shape in decades, I was going to a bootcamp HIIT class 4 times a week. I had bought a new car in March. I was finally closing the doors of a losing business that gobbled up all my time. I had decided to go back to school. Then, disaster. My mom passed away unexpectedly in October. I lost it. I stopped caring about a lot of things. I mean, why get up at 430 am to go to some class to tone my body? It all seemed so pointless. So, I quit. I stopped it all cold turkey...the workouts, drinking water, eating healthy, walking, just said the hell with it and stopped. 

Then, the physical problems started. My kids would cringe when I did squats due to the awful noise my knees made. I started doing it just to see their expressions of horror. I don't know if I ruined my knees with all those burpees and squats or if the problems were due to total lack of exercise. I was diagnosed with chrondomalacia of both knees, which is a fancy way of saying the cartilage had worn away under my kneecaps. Also arthritis in the right knee. Then the back problems started...problems I never had when I was exercising. I was in so much pain at one point I could barely get in the car. I cried most of the way to school. It hurt so bad just to turn the wheel to go around a curve. Lots of money at the chiropracter. Finally got better. Then my back went out again. This time not as bad. More chiropractor. 

By now I've gained 44 lbs since my mom passed away 14 months ago. Its kinda shocking to see the pics. Realizing I need to start taking care of this body or my health is really gonna suffer. Starting to do some research. You'd think at my age you would know this stuff....but I guess I don't think about it. Saw a post recommending this calorie need calculator and found out that:

at 5'3" and 183 lbs and doing no exercise (like I am now), I can only eat 703 calories a day if I want to lose 2lbs a week. Um no. Houston, we have a problem. I need food. 

If I exercise 1-3 times a week, I can only eat 951 calories a day to lose 2 lbs a week. Again, that's disneyland; ain't gonna happen. I know myself I like to eat more that that!

If I exercise 3-5 times a week, I can eat 1200 calories a day and still lose 2 lbs a week. Aha! 

So I have found my magic secret, and unfortunately it is exercise. That explains why I was doing so well when I was working out...I didn't even count calories then. I hate working out. But that is what works for me so that's what I've got to do: but this time a gentler workout. I'm back to walking and need a low impact workout. I don't want to join a gym...I've joined and quit two already so need to do it at home. I've got dumbbells, a resistance cord, and a walking dvd. Also a belly dance dvd that sent the kids into hysterics. Any advice on a good workout is appreciated. 

Good luck to everyone!
