Hey everyone! I hope you all are doing good! I'm feeling great. I've done amazing on my diet and the workouts make me feel awesome. I did skip working out on Friday because I didn't get home until late. I should have worked out anyways but once it gets late enough, I would rather not shower at 10 pm because my hair takes a couple hours to dry, and basically doesn't dry at all when I sleep on it. Anyways, I've been sticking to my diet which feels so good. I do pay attention to my calories but I more pay attention to my carbs. I haven't had a craving for real candy in the past couple days, which happened the last time I ate low carb. I did eat a fudge pop, which if you don't know, only have 40 calories and 5 carbs. You can't eat a whole box but if you have a craving, this is a good treat. Today, I'll be doing the core workout with a 30-minute Zumba session. Some people already know this but be careful which workout cardio videos you buy at the store. Some are just horrible. I already had Yoga Booty Ballet and Zumba but I wanted to have plenty of variety so I bought 2 different videos at the store. Both had great reviews on the box but were just horrible videos. I'm basically just saying don't buy a video on a whim, do some research and find out which ones are really good. You don't have to buy the expensive sold on tv commercial ones to get a good workout. I personally love the zumba videos even though it can get boring since I only have one dvd but it's easy to learn and fun once you know it. I wouldn't mind getting outside for a run but it's freezing cold out here. Rainy, snowy, and slushy. I'm not much of a winter runner anyways, I prefer when it's 70 degrees out but I have almost 6 months before that will happen. I'm currently living in Michigan while my husband is deployed, which has nice 70-80 degree summers. But we are based in Tennessee, which has 90-100 degree summers. It's beautiful there, don't get me wrong but if you try to run outside between 8 am and the sun going down, it feels like you're breathing in water. It's very humid. It builds up a nice good sweat but it's hard to not get dehydrated. The army works out 0630-0800 when it's barely light out and still pretty cool. But I haven't been able to drag myself out of bed that early. Actually last summer, I did Melissa's workouts in my nice air conditioned apartment and left the 90 degrees and humidity outside =] 


Anyways, good luck to everyone! It's a competition against the scale!