I'm so tired. I'm so tired of being tired. I'm so tired of being tired of being...well, you get it. After having my first baby, I bounced back right away. I hit the gym 5 to 7 days a week. I bought a jogging stroller and took him out with me. I competed in 5ks with him in tow. I took him to the park and did squats while pushing him on the swing, pull ups on the monkey bars, and used him to do my bicep curls. Then, I got pregnant again. I thought for sure I would continue exercising during my pregnancy and slip back into my skinny jeans in no less than 8 weeks post partum. But this pregnancy was rough. I experienced nasuea and extreme fatigue. I had to go off work early and basically sat in the recliner for 4 months. Then I had a c-section, which kept me sidelined during the recovery. That was almost 2 years ago, and I'm still struggling to cope with the exhausion of a difficult baby, the return to work, as well as the loss of my husband's job and an upcoming move. I know getting into a routine will help me immensely. If I can incoporate exercise back into my life, it will help in so many ways. My energy will increase, my stress will reduce, and the rut that I have been stuck in will even out. I love a challenge and I hate to lose, so this is a great way to start. And there is no time like the present. I will push through this. I will overcome. But just let me sleep for 5 more minutes.