
    I'm Cam and this is my first blog post.  At this moment I have lost over 200 lbs using diet bet and won 24 games.  I'm not finished yet and would still like lose another twenty points but in the meantime I thought I might share some of the reasons behind my sucess.

  I get on the scale every single day.  This can be hard.  This can be scary, but the scale doesn't like.  The scale can do lots of things.  It can make you angry, sad, disappointed, but it will never lie to you.  Understanding how the things you eat effect the number you see on a scale is important when you are losing weight, and the discipline to get on the scale ever day, and fight through the inevitable disappointments that come carrives over to the rest of your diet.

   If you want to help me finish my weight loss journey strong check out my first game as a host!
