The scale has been playing tricks on me!  I got encouraging info after just a couple days showing me a drop, but now I'm actually on the opposite side of encouraging with the scale telling me I gained!  Sigh.  So very discouraging! I've been doing so well staying within my ideal calorie range and have been working out.  I wanted to have that darn scale give me positive reinforcement, darn it!


  Feeling blue and defeated I googled "lag time before losing weight" and the good old Google instantly returned so many stories of many people out there having no weight loss (or even some gain, such as I am seeing right now) the first couple weeks of their weight loss journey.  It was so reassuring to hear! Many people said their body took time to adjust but after a could weeks the scale moved down. I, of course, dont know if the same thing is actually happening to me yet.  I need to be patient and persevere another week or two to see if the scale will start telling me things I would like to hear.  Thank goodness I'm not a freak who just is incapable of losing weight though!  Haha, at least not according to random people on Google; I have some company in this whole "I've been doing everything right and it isn't working!" thing.

 I usually hear about how people lose water weight quickly the first week and have that positive info from the scale to encourage them on.  I have to find encouragement elsewhere, I guess.  I have to remind myself that the race is long. I am doing this for me and I won't let myself worry about the deadline too much or the fact that I might lose money... This is about much more than just money (though it is a great motivator).  So, no worrying about the scale, just breathe deeply, eat healthy foods, enjoy every bite, workout to feel strong and proud of my body, and just keep going!