I have seen lots of posts on my DB activity board with people's daily fitbit steps.  I bought mine in April and uses it a lot for a couple of months but got lazy with it after the newness wore of.  I had only been using it to track my horrible sleep patterns since then until I decided to get control of myself towards the end of November.  I decided to lower my step goal to something practical for me.  I was averaging about 1k to 3k steps a day.  


Someone gave me the idea to set a goal and shoot for meetin git every day for 30 days and then to increase it after those 30 days.  If I don't meet it any one day, then my count for my streak starts back over at 1 the next day.  I loved this idea.  I then lowered my step goal from the 7,500 a day I had already lowered it from before that, but made it more than the 1k-3k I had been getting at the time (because I was purely lazy).  I figured I would start with a goal of 5,000 and see how that went.  Well from the time I changed it to 5k I met it every day for 30 days in a row and as promised, I increased it on December 25 to a goal of 5,500 a day.  


I am currently working on that streak and have not missed a day yet.  Even when I feel exhausted or kind of sick, or have any other excuses  I used to use, I still get up and make myself march around my kitchen or walk in place while watching tv until I reach my step goal.  


This past week, I downloaded the PACT App, thinking that I could track my workouts including my Yoga DVD's, Sit 'N Cycle bike, or my AeroPilates Reformer to meet my workout 3 times a week goal.  Little did I know I actually have to either walk for 30 minutes with one of my GPS apps (which I am not doing because it was negative degrees here part of this past week), or walking 10k steps a day.  I actually met this 10k steps a day 4 days this week.  I have hardly met 10k more than 4 times ever before recently.  Getting it 4 times this week was amazing for me.  However, I am going to freeze my PACT account after the current time period ends because I hardly ever got any other exercises in this week while walking so much.  I would rather shoot for my 5,500 step goal for now and not kill my calves, while also fitting in AeroPilates, Sit 'N Cycle, or Yoga 3 other days a week.  


I hope everyone else who has fitbit is enjoying the motivation of it to get more active as much as I am.  I track my steps daily now, and my other exercises, and I also use it to monitor my daily calorie deficit goal.  I love that it uses the BMR or basal metabolic rate and then adjusts the calories burned based on how much you exercise and move around.  I love that it gives me a real-time idea of how many calories I still have left to eat to meet my Nailed it zone of the caloric deficit goal.


Please let me know how you are enjoying your fitbit too.  Let's talk about goals and how they are going for you with your fitbit.  


Lastly, if you would like to add me as a fitbit friend, here is my profile:  https://www.fitbit.com/user/2GBMS4