The diet-binge cycle


07/28/2014 3:01PM
I have the same problem and thanks for keeping it real. The truth is (for me anyway) that the cycle is inevitable, and the only thing I can do is recognize that its happening or going to happen, and take steps to limit the damage. What helps me is making my home my "haven of health" where I don't bring crap food home under any circumstances, even if they're leftovers from dinner out with friends. If its harder to obtain (like I have to go out to buy the ice cream rather than grab a tub out of my freezer and sit on my couch), then I am less likely to eat it. When I'm out, I order the smallest portions I can and try to really pay attention to how full I am. I also track it. If I don't track it, then my friends don't see it on MyFitnessPal where they can then punish me with 50 burpees, and I pretend it didn't happen and my bad habits re-emerge. I think you're best friends when it comes to this is mostly honesty with yourself, support from those around you, portion control and prevention.

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*your.... sorry, grammar geek.

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-7.8 lbs



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