Man, I'm having such a hard time getting and staying motivated!  I don't know if it's the winter blahs, the cold, that fact that you have to chew the air right now...(I live in Salt Lake City, HORRIBLE inversions all winter)...but I have GOT to shake it off (go ahead and hum a little Taylor Swift there). SO, tomorrow, I'm going to start something new, something I have struggled with always.  The morning workout!  Ooooooohhh--did anyone else just shudder?  No?  Just me?  I HATE getting up in the morning 1 second earlier than I must in order to get me and the kiddos ready and out the door for our day.  I am the nightiest of night owls and whenever I try to get to bed early, I end up staring into the ceiling fan until 1, 2, 3am.  I think part of it all is our family is always going, going, going.  I have three darling boys (no, really, they're ADORABLE!) and the oldest 2 are athletes with the 3 headed toward that bent and so we are always attending practices, conditioning, training, games, team meetings.  By the time we get home, check to make sure homework is finished, backpacks, clothes, shoes, coats are at the ready for the next day and the babies are shuffled off to bed, I need that quiet time to reconnect with the hubs about his day, my day, the kids' day, what tomorrow's schedule is, to check in with my various social media commitments (Facebook, The Sisterhood, Instagram and my own Project 365), watch the news and/or whatever my current MUST SEE TV is (I know, not a necessity of life, but I need it!) and any other projects that may need my attention.  I end up getting sucked into TV, my computer, whatever book series I'm reading, obsessively checking my order status at erin condren (I CANNOT wait to get my planner!!  I'll post about that when she arrives!) and finally, when my head starts to droop I crawl into bed, remember (mostly) to hit the sleep button on my Jawbone UP and pass out.  Within minutes, I swear, the alarm has gone off and I begin to growl!  4 Snooze button pushes later and after throwing my Jawbone across the room because it won't. stop. BUZZING. I stumble out of bed, wake the boys and off we go.  I've been reading articles and posts about how "great" it is to work out in the morning and how "refreshed" and "wonderful" you feel for the whole rest of your day!  Cue the eyerolling...but at this point, I'm willing to give it a try.  Due to busyness in the evenings, I just don't have the time/energy/motivation to really work out then, so I'm going to try this.  I'm starting small, 15 minutes on the treadmill for a few weeks to see how that goes and then maybe we increase a little.  It's hard because I have to be to work by 7am and it takes me 30 minutes to drop the babies off and get to the office, so we're already up early and I don't really want to try to wedge an hour of working out into my day THAT early.  I am lucky in that, for now, my oldest son is doing indoor conditioning/training/hitting practice for baseball and the facility he goes to twice per week has a fully equipped gym that the parents are allowed to use while the boys are practicing and I use it.  His practices are almost 30 minutes away from where we live so I can't drop him off and pick him up, so using the gym helps kill the monotony of the 2 hour practices.  Anyway, I figure I can do my 10-15-20 minutes on the treadmill, get my news fix, read, etc., and then hit my day :)  AND, I found a motivator for me to WIN this DietBet! I mean, over, above and beyond all the other motivations....when I WIN, I'm taking my prize money to the running store and getting RUNNING SHOES!  One of my goals for this year is to really, truly become a runner and I figure this is a good way to begin!  Wish me luck friends, I am officially MOTIVATED!