You know the takes 21 days to create a habit.  And it is 21 days into the bet soooo….?

I know that 21 days is perhaps a cliche, but it’s nice to check in on our lifestyle changes at this point.
For me it is exciting to see that I am actually creating some habits!  Here are the habits that I have noticed and some explanation behind them.

Weighing Myself Daily
This one is generally a weight loss no-no, but I think its okay if you do it in the right context. I never expect the scale to go down everyday. I do this simply to remind myself of my goals. Some people create a vision board...I look at the scale everyday. Since I do this first thing in the morning, it sets me in the right frame of mind to focus on eating right and exercising for the day.

Log My Food and Exercise Multiple Times Daily (Fitbit, MyFitnessPal)
There are many reasons that I do this:
I LOVE analyzing data.  It helps me keep a level head about my progress.
Calorie counting for weightloss purposes.  Gotta keep a calorie deficit!
Helps me make better choices...even if I have already "messed up" that day...or week. I log even if I ate awful things.
To see how certain foods make me feel over time. For example, I noticed that eating a small snack and drinking water before bed seems to help me. (yes, before bed!)

I don't have a frequency on this one yet but I have not missed, too many days since the bet started. I am at the point where I don't dread it anymore...and I almost look forward to it…well, almost.

I am prepared to do these things for the rest of my life...even at my goal weight. I fear that if I don't...I will fall back into my old ways. And I have been feeling GREAT; mentally, physically and emotionally.  I don't want to lose that.
Really stop and think about the changes you made over the last 21 days. Forget the next 7 days and think about doing these things everyday for the next 20, 30, 100 years. Get that into your psyche and get comfortable with that thought. Because this lifestyle is amazing.