This is a blog mainly for myself, but for others also. I want a written memory, so when I complete this 6 month journey, I can look back and see how much I've improved. My memory sometimes tricks me. For example, just the other night I mentioned to my husband that it hasn't been that long since my last Insanity go-around. But, just like my husband does best!, he proved to me that it has been 3 years since my last Insanity experience. 3 YEARS?? So yes, this blog is to prove to myself that I can do something. That I do have that strong driven woman somewhere in my mind. I can do anything I want to. I have proved that to myself with everything else in life, now its time to prove I can do it with weight loss.

So this is my Insanity Max 30 journey. I will update my blog with my experience as I experience it. Let's dooo this!


Losing Weight the Insane Way:


Two weeks before Day 1: My beachbody box has arrived! The black box with the words: "I Maxed Out" excites me, but I'm also very nervous. I already know what is in store for me. I am about to have my ass kicked by the beachbody program, Insanity Max 30. I know that I am going to probably throw up during workouts, fall on my basement floor in a pile of sweat, and struggling with quiting every 30 seconds because I've already had exerience with Insanity.

Day 1: I feel really good! I amnervous to pop in the DVD, but I know I can do it.

Day 2: Sooo having trouble walking up the stairs, picking up my newborn, and not being able to walk straight because my hamstrings hurt are not fun! I hate the beginning of a workout routine. My muscles are sore! Why do I want to be thin???

Day 3: Soo I ate chocolate chip cookies, Scooby Doo fruit snacks, and hot chocolate for breakfast...way to go Meg! If this crap keeps up then I'm definitely not going to win my round. And I had to substitute my workout for Yoga. Everytime I would jump I would feel sharp pain in between my shoulder blades and spine area. I put on two sports bras too!! I have no idea what it is, but better safe than sorry...I'm almost 30 now...not no 20 year old anymore lol. The yoga felt really good though. Loosened me up and allowed me to feel how weak my body has become. Yoga used to be so much fun because it wasn't all. Now I can feel every muscle squeezing and struggling. Need to get back to Yoga shape to wear I enjoy it.

Day 4 none, day 5 none, day 6 none, day 7... must I go on?? 

So after two days of Insanity Max 30 I fell through. I took my son to get snowed in at my mothers and I fell into my parent's junk food. After a few days of constantly being tempted by food and falling to those temptations, I stood on a scale. I knew I had gained all my weight back, but I wanted to be totally sure. I am having trouble saying "No" to myself...putting the chocolate down. And on top of that I stop working out. It is crazy how easily I revert back to my old habits and allow the excuses once again to rule my life..the excuses and the laziness.