I usually wake up rather early and write my daily blog right after my boyfriend leaves for work and before starting my day. Today I decided to sleep in a bit and my whole schedule is thrown off. I’ve had a good day though! Got many chores taken care of, prepped for next week’s lectures and had a nice jog. It’s only 2pm and I’ve nearly finished everything on my to do list!

I’m really feeling that I won’t win this diet bet. I’m bummed about that. I know that I’m doing well and in the long run I will reach my goals, but I’m stuck right now. The end is coming too soon! Maybe this being stuck again is a bit of a fluke considering the time of the month and all. Perhaps next week will give me renewed hope after my lovely female body goes back to normal. Hopefully!

Today is a rather mixed day for me. I’m proud that I’ve been so productive, but sad about the diet bet. Rather than feeling bummed about possibly coming up shy on this short-term goal, I will look past that. It feels great to think about long-term goals! I have this awesome sort of Xena costume that I would love to wear for Halloween. I wore it in 2011 and it’s my goal to fit into it again. It’s a steep goal, I have a lot of work to do to make it happen, but it is realistic too. I can do it! I’m excited about this! Let’s go!