I did ok for breakfast. I did great for lunch. I had a salad with beans and cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms. A very low cal and low fat dressing. It was great! I had 25 carbs at lunch and all was well.

I went back to cleaning. Then I started feeling icky! Sittting down for a while I caught up on some bookwork/ fling type of cleaning in the office, while watching the pilot of a new T.V. show.. but the munchies caught up with me!

A couple of things saved me! Since things are portioned in the fride I stopped myself with one portion. Honestly, I could have done much worse. I could have eaten the cookie I made yesterday. I could have had more than one portion. Also, I could have reverted to the past days and not weighed, sclaed and journaled my mini binge.

So, while I feel like I let mysel down. While I feel as thought I was weak in those moments... I know that in all reality I did great! I journaled it, I took account of what I put in my mouth. I know how many added calories I just ate and~ you know what?~ I still have calories left for dinner! So, I can maybe see this as a mini victory!!

I watched a YouTube video from someone yesterday. She was talking about how she always used to put off starting exercising, dieting or whatever until "Monday". She had a terrible day yesterday and called one of her friends on the phone. Her friend changed my life. She shared what her friend told her. " Make this moment your Monday!" Don't wait to change it. Don't throw in the towel and make the rest of the day worse. Stop, think for a moment, and continue. Make Monday now, make this MOMENT your MONDAY! :) I am going to start following that philosopy!!

I feel that slowly my life, my mentality, my relationship with food is changing. I so want to live that happy, vibrant active life in the small, athletic exhuberant body I am going to find!

Now, we will see what I think on Wed, or Thursday after my 3 day family reunion..


We are going camping on Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday and back on Thursday.. Anyone have any great tips? I am so open for suggestions and am terrified that All ALL the good progress I have made will dissapear in this one fell swoop!


Just sharing this journey with everyone does help!