Hiya Dietbetters!

It has been 26 days since I started exercising, eating healthy, building endurance, and losing weight. And I must say, I am quite proud of myself! I have lost over 10 pounds since I started. I hit a weight loss plateau at 186lbs and another one at 181lbs. But I just broke through the second plateau! Staying educated and doing something about it is the key to busting through plateaus. Carb-cycling, carb refeed, carb backloading, did all of it and saw great results. I'm also breaking all kinds of personal records on the treadmill.

I went all the way to 99mins (maxed out the treadmill) 

I covered 6mi in a single treadmill workout
I've ran up to a speed of 10mph for 30 seconds
I can run at a 5.5mph pace for 5 minutes
I did 100 squat walks while on the teadmill at 1.5mph pace
I can walk at a 13.0 incline for 10 minutes at 3.0mph pace

Now I'm planning on beating all these personal records in the month of February!

Another thing I do is cheat my mind into thinking that I haven't lost as much weight as I thought by drinking a whole quart (liter) of water right before I weigh myself. That is a whole 2.2lbs added to the scale, that you know you have as reserve. I then make use of this hoarded weight loss during plateau periods, thus creating the illusion that I never hit a plateau. But I know deep down I hit one because I have to weigh in without drinking water to make the scale co-operate. It's an excellent way to stay hydrated as the liter is above the regular water intake during the day. And yes, I weigh myself everyday. Not many think I should, but it's been my greatest motivator. And it's working!

By the end of January, I am hoping to have won ALL bets and have 2 rounds won rather than just 1. (6% rather than 3%).

It's amazing what the body can do when you make your body a slave to your mind, rather than your mind a slave to your body!

I couldn't have done all this wiithout the support from you guys! Reading blog posts, statuses and sharing with you all has been great! Learned a lot of new things and implemented some ideas as well... You guys ROCK! :)