I found this online somewhere, and really liked it.  The Ten Commandments for getting and staying healthy:

  1. Realize you're worthy of being happy and healthy.  Say it with me: "I'm a strong and worthy person".  Lather, rinse, repeat.  If you struggle with something (even fi it's not health related), remember those 6 words.  Say them often and mean it.
  2. It will be frustrating at times.  Friends and family who you thought would be there for you, won't be.  Perhaps they think you will fail, or ask "Why are you doing that?.  When that happens, see #1....and #3.
  3. Seek out supportive friends.  You will be more successful (notice I didn't say you can only be successful...) if you have friends who can motivate and inspire you along the way.  I've made many friends here who say that I inspire them, which is awesome.  The thing is, they also motivate and inspire me in return, which is equally as awesome.
  4. Plateaus will happen.  See #2.  When they happen (remember: they WILL) keep on keepin' on with the healthy eating and exercise and you will eventually be able to laugh at the plateau....or use hand gestures.
  5. Thou shall not use the scale as the only source of progress!  When #4 happens, feel free to raise the 1-finger-salute to the scale and use your clothing as your measuring stick (or even a measuring tape).  Your body will change and shift and firm and tone and the scale will try to trick you into #2 (and I don't mean using the bathroom).
  6. Do not compare yourself to anyone else.  Ever.  Don't compare body type, height, weight, boob size, clothing size, amount they can dead lift, ability to run, etc, etc.  You are the only you on the planet, and as such, cannot be like anyone else.  That's why you hear people say "Do your best", not "Do Jimmy's best".
  7. LOG LOG LOG. Share your diary or don't share your diary, that doesn't matter (or rather, it shouldn't matter).  What matters is that you are keeping track of what you are eating/drinking so you can look at it when you hit that plateau.  And make sure you're honest with your logging....the only person you're hurting if you don't log something is yourself.
  8. Move your body.  Sure you *can* lose weight without exercise, but your heart will be healthier if you do exercise, which in turn makes for a healthier you.  Exercise doesn't 'have to be strenuous, or 'insane', either.  Simply going for a daily walk to get your heart rate up will do wonders.
  9. Eat better....most of the time.  Add more fruits and veggies, eat less fried and sugary stuff, and just make better choices.  If you have a day where you overdo the food, or eat something not so healthy, don't beat yourself up!!  See #1.  Don't forget to also stay hydrated. To many, myself included, this means lots of water.  To others it means other liquids.  Whatever your hydrant of choice is - stay hydrated.
  10. Set short-term goals.  If you're just starting out, looking only at how much you want to lose can be incredibly defeating.  Set smaller goals, even weekly, that will add up over time to help you achieve your ultimate goal.  It doesn't have to be a "lose 3 pounds this week" goal, either.  Instead of doing that (remember, #4??) set a goal to exercise a certain amount for a week, or to avoid a certain food for a week, or drink more water for a week.  Those goals are much easier to achieve then a specific weight loss sometimes.  And give yourself non-food rewards now and then, too.