As lazy as it is, I had grown very comfortable with the weight and shape that I am. Although I knew I was overweight I was content with my current lifestyle and didn't really make any changes.

That was until I started dancing again. 

I had always been a dancer. As I grew up I did gymnastics, cheerleading, and was on loads of dance teams. But, once I came to Korea finding a dance team or time to dance was very hard because of my work schedule. Almost 2 years later I had had enough of just club dancing. I finally found a dance class in the beginning of June and started dancing. 

After that, and I really don't know why, I started wanting to get fit and start exercising and eating right. I knew I needed some kind of motivation and when I stumbled upon DB I was stoked! I was ready to accept the challenge. And accept I did. I enrolled in 3 DBs and started getting my act together. Not only did I start eating more healthy food and less junk but I also started running three times a week, biking everywhere that I could, and overall just trying to find some kind of activity to do in my free time instead of just sitting around watching Korean dramas, which I love.

I have never been consistent with my weightloss attempts before and I am ridiculously ecstatic that DB has given me an opportunity to change that. Even though I was worried I wouldn't make this DB because of my odd schedule due to my vacation, I still made it! I have achieved a weight that I had tried to get before but hadnt succeeded. I don't even think it was hard. I literally enjoyed every moment of the challenge; every moment that I ate something healthy and every moment that I went out and exercised. I guess because of the bet and the community, this time around it was extremely fun to lose weight.

The good thing is I can't stop. lol I have pretty much back to back weigh-ins and challenges. And my next 2 DBs I know I am going to win, too! I am hoping that I can keep up this competitive streak until I make my goal weight. Hopefully by my birthday I will get to show everyone a much skinnier me! :)

As the Koreans would say, 

Ajja, Ajja, FIGHTING!