Good evening Diet Bet Nation!  

4 Days left in the Diet Bet!  I am so thankful for this amazing experience!  I can't believe that when I push play tomorrow, it will be the last workout in Alpha before I move on to Beta in T25!  So this STATurday, along with my Stats I'm also going to post my before/after picture for Alpha!  I never ever EVER post pictures of myself in a bathing suit for the world to see, but I'm excited to share the visual results of T25 Alpha with everyone.  

I'm only in the third week of the semester, and I already feel like I'm being pulled in one hundred different directions!  This week, I especially feel this way because I either have an evening rehearsal, or one of my colleagues is performing a concert so I'm not getting home until 9 pm at the earliest everyday this week.  On the flip side of this schedule, I have gotten really great at meal prep and packing healthy dinners on the go!

Last night after a long day at school, I recieved a text from the elderly woman I get groceries and run errands for saying she didn't need me to see her this Thursday because her referigerator was fully stocked - freeing my morning completely!  

Whats funny is that the universe instantly knew I was free, because two professors asked me to meet with them Thursday morning.  Though I was free to meet becuase of my work being canceled,  I told them I was unavabile and found a different time to meet.  I really needed a morning for me.  :)

When my alarm goes off in the mornings, I am get up and go!  I drink shakeology, and start my workout ASAP!  I even set my timer for 30 minutes, and race to get in my shower, get dressed, and put on makeup so I can move onto homework or practicing.  Always, when I'm eating breakfast or lunch, I am responding to e-mails or reading articles for class.  I always feel that if I'm not moving as fast as possible to the next thing, I'm falling behind on my day.  My spirit animal is a shark - if I'm not constantly moving forward I would die. :) 

But this morning, I slowed way down.  I slept in an extra 30 minutes, got my workout in, took a shower without a timer and even took the time to put on lotion and blow dry my hair, and during breakfast and lunch, I completely unplugged.  It was only a morning, but I feel refreshed and recharged.  

