Well, it was going to happen sooner or later. I have been more lax this week with my diet, using myfitnesspal as a rough guide instead of being so rigid (because whilst it worked, it was no fun). But today I just ballsed up completely. I had a normal breakfast and lunch, but then I just needed something sweet. I tried to resist, but then it all came crashing down around me. I had (I think) 3 big bowls of Crunchy Nut with milk (aka sugar heaven). It probably equated to 1000 calories. There was no particular reason for it, I wasn't even bored particularly. It was just that urge for something sweet which I couldn't get over. I felt no better or worse afterwards than I had before, although I suppose I enjoyed it somewhat when I was in the moment. I then went on to overeat (slightly) at tea and scoff a few chocolates just now (probably equating to another 350 calories over the plan). 

I know this won't really make a difference to my weight loss goals in the long run, and it hasn't crushed my motivation or anything (I think), but it was noticeable to me because it came from nothing. My bad eating habits are usually heavily linked to my mood, but I was fine. Quite distracted from my work, but OK mood-wise. the only possible causes I can think of that made me do that are (and these are quite a stretch):

  • I had the Crunchy Nut for breakfast. Could that have set me off on a sugar rampage for the rest of the day?
  • I knew there was a good amount of cereal and milk in the house. Maybe I wanted the feeling of potentially limitless eating (like when you're at a buffet). But still, why today?
  • (TMI alert) Ovulation?
  • I was alone in the house. I am almost inevitably alone when I order family sized takeaways and sit in bed eating the whole thing, although this usually is caused initially by a low mood

I'm just not sure if there is a explaination that's better than a weak blend of all the above. Ah well, life goes on