Well the weekend happened to me. I am only just recovered (just). Went to karaoke on Saturday night with a group of friends and there was a LOT of booze. Enough to make it through most of Sunday still drunk, and then yesterday was my true hangover day foodwise- pizza for breakfast and a HUGE burger plus extras for dinner. I'm still digesting it now and whilst it was kinda nice to eat, the rotten feeling I had after, and the fact I can still feel it in my stomach 12 hours later, not sure it was worth it tbh.

Obviously this has been a huge set back for the bet, as I was fairly in front before, although now I'm only just a little behind. To make matters worse, we've not really organised a food plan for the week (I share cooking with my 2 housemates), and I'm spending the next two nights at my boyfriend's, who is no cook. This will also affect fitting my running schedule in, which is going to be a squeeze this week. It's basically a recipe for a disaster, leading to a failed bet if I'm not careful.

So, what to do? First and foremost: water. I drank so much yesterday but then ate tonnes of carbs and salty stuff, so I know I'm carrying a lot of water. If I drink plenty over the next couple of days, I'll drop a lb or two. Then I need to start thinking carefully about what food I can have in the numerous tricky situations I'm gonna find myself in over the next few weeks. I am usually so prepared; it's this sort of thing that is my undoing. Finally, keep moving. Go everywhere on my bike, try and fit the runs in, just keep burning off every calorie I can, and hopefully over the next few days I'll have made up for most of the damage. Wish me luck everyone!