I'm working on a 28 day "consistency project" in conjunction with a DB4 game. I want to make my 4% goal obviously but what I really want to focus on is making my health goals consistently.

This week's progress:

1350 calories - met the goal 4 out of 7 days. I think for all of the three days I did just fine until I went to bed and then I was hungry and decided I needed to eat and then I went overboard. I need to train myself that when my calories are gone my eating is finished for the day.

Exercise - made my goal 4 out of 5 days (my goal was only 5 days last week). Yesterday was the day I did not do it. I had every intention to but i was not able to do it int he morning and by the time the afternoon came around it was too hot (95 degrees+ without AC) and so I just didn't do it.

Water: 7 out of 7 days accomplished

Vitamin - 6 out of 7 days accomplished. I must have just fogotten one day.

Bed by 10:15 PM Sun - Friday and 11:15 PM on Saturdays: accomplished 4 out of 7 days. On Monday night I made the conscious decision to stay up late. My internet had been out for 2 days straight thus keeping me from talking to my mom over the weekend. We often talk if not every day at least every other day and so I had a lot to tell her. There is a 5 hour difference between us so we could not start talking until later in the evening my time. 

I had about a 77% success rate this second week. The first week I did this I had a 100% success rate. The drop of 23% is not acceptable in my book. With that said though quite honestly if I get to bed late every now and then or I drink 80 oz of water instead of 88 oz one day it is not a huge deal. What I really need to work on is the eating. This next week I want to make 7 out of 7 days for my calorie goal. 

On to week 3!