I broke my ankle in January 2014 and through my injury lost some needed weight and was 131 pounds when I returned to work five weeks post-injury (I called myself skinny-fat).  Fast forward just over one year and now I am 157 pounds!  This is the heaviest I have been since I decided I wanted to lose weight back in March 2004.  By March 2005 I was 140 pounds and have pretty much maintained my weight between 132-150 while not pregnant (had two kids since March 2005).  Weighing nearly 160 pounds is new territory for me and I fight the urge to shame myself for gaining and gaining and gaining when my diet hasn't really changed.

My ankle has permanent discomfort and I'm pretty sure it's because I have gained nearly 30 pounds since my lowest weight post-injury.  I don't think my ankle is able to hanlde my weight, but then my sore ankle prevents me from enjoying exercise because it's uncomfortable.  Now that is definitely a catch-22.  I am unable to exercise the way I used to, so I am forced to focus on my diet.  Since I'm a former fat girl (highest weight was 220), this has always an area I struggle with on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.  I am addicted to food and how it makes me feel when I eat delicious food.  Luckily I'm not much of a sweets person, so I don't over indulge at dinner and then pack on my calories with overindulging in sweets too.  I'm an emotional eater.  

With $100 on the line, this is my chance to overcome my self-pity and get back out there.  I need to get uncomfortable and just get some exercise.  .  

Good luck everybody because I will be a winner.  This is my pledge to lose 6% of my current body weight in one month.