I found out about DietBet through a work mail list, but instead of joining my co-worker's game I joined a $100 bet instead because there were a lot more people playing in the higher stakes game.  A few days later I joined a $25 bet that also had several hundred people playing.  It took me a few weeks to really get into it, so by then I had 3.6 and 4.1 pounds to lose in a little over a week.  Yikes!  So, I did a "lose 10 pounds in 7 days" detox plan and BARELY made my goals in both games by 0.1 in each game.  

I took my winnings from the $100 bet to pay off my Paypal smart connect account, but my winnings from my $25 bet I will keep as credits to continue to do these diet bets until I feel I can no longer lose 4% in one month.  I just joined Shaun T's Summer Body Challenge that conveniently starts after Easter and used my credits to join this game.  

Losing 4% in one month is hard for me because I'm lazy, don't want to work hard on dieting, and I do not like to work out.  I'd much rather catch up on my television shows on Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime and walk in place.  Or, play outside with my kids for maybe 20 minutes until their short attention spans move on to something else that doesn't include me.  Anything other than working out in a gym, running, or swimming.

So, with that said I have decided to turn over a new leaf.  I didn't get the internal position at work I so desperately wanted and that sparked me to reflect on what I want in life.  Why can't I create my own happiness instead of expecting outside influences to create my happiness for me?  My current manager has too high of expectations, but instead of whining and complaining about how I can never meet her expectations, I will just show a ton more effort that I'm trying to get there as I'm sure she will appreciate the efforts even if it isn't completed the way she would complete it herself.  Effort, drive, and determination to do a great job is really all she's looking for from me which is really all I look for from my kids, so why not show her and be a good example for my kids?  

This new outlook has made me reflect on my body.  I worked so hard to go from 215+ pounds to 135 pounds back in 2005-2006, so why am I now at 150.4 pounds?  What is preventing me from maintaining my weight between 130-135?  Since I don't know the answer I am going to see a naturopathic doctor that specializes in weight management to figure it out.  I gain 20 pounds in as easy as 1-2 months just be slacking on my diet.  This is not normal.  No one should gain that much weight just because they are slacking a little, so I'm hoping my new doctor can help me figure it out and get me on track for long term weight maintenance once I reach 130 pounds.  

With my new outlook on life I hope to be much happier at work, at home, and all this happiness will eventually result in lasting weightloss.  

Thanks for reading and best of luck to each of you in achieving your goals.