I'm not a proponent of juicing (I prefer the fiber and extra nutrients of smoothies) but this movie as well as the first iteration is phenomenal!  I love Joe Cross and the community that he's built.

From the movie:

Phil breaks my heart. I want him to do well.

Terry made me cheer.  I was actually talking to my computer, “Oh, my Gods.  Look at you, baby!”  I laughed.  I cried.  I clapped.  I looked stupid sitting in my chair in my apartment.  I’m glad my neighbors didn’t call Belleview.  Oh, my Gods, he can be a bone marrow match for his brother now.  If that isn’t heart-ripping, I don’t know what is. 

One hour in is where you'll see Terry, whom we met in the first movie.  He's really become an Army of One in his community.  Like Jonathan Safran Foer says in Eating Animals, "Our decisions about food are complicated by the fact that we don’t eat alone.  Table fellowship has forged social bonds as far back as the archeological record allows us to look.  Food, family, and memory are primordially linked.  We are not merely animals that eat, but eating animals."  We are responsible for each other.