Hello! I had a great weekend visiting friends and enjoying the sunshine. As previously mentioned, I am designating a few meals each week in which I don't need to be mindful of what I'm eating or drinking. Many people call these "cheat meals," but I'm not really into that label- I'm doing what I need to do to be a mostly healthy eater all of the time (not just for this DietBet). So I'll just leave those meals out when documenting my weekend. 

Saturday 2/21/15 Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, toast w/butter

                              Lunch: 3 corn tortilla tacos with 3 different meats and other yummy things from                                              Marination in Seattle. YUM.

Sunday 2/22/15 Dinner: 1/8 of this: http://pinchofyum.com/creamy-chicken-quinoa-broccoli-casserole                           plus 3 baguette slices with butter.

                           Workout: Warm up on the elliptical then a modified Greatist Workout of the Day                                                   (GWOD) of a 4 min tabata (20 secs on, 10 secs off) of bicycle crunches,                                               high knees, and squat jumps. So the total workout time was 12 minutes.