I love competiton especially against myself.  I love to win.  I like getting little achievement pins and acknowledgements.  So I'm betting on myself to see if I can overcome my emotional eating and strive for a healthier lifestyle.  Life has been really stressful this last year and I've gained 70 lbs.!!!!  I was already a good 20-30 lbs overweight so now I have about 100 to lose.  I've lost 130lbs in the past but obviously I'm very close to having gained it all back.  I'm not sure I have the same self-discipline and motivation that I had before.  I hope so!  I know that I need to stop eating the way I have been and get back to being active - not just for me but as a good example for my children.  I have all the reasons in the world to get this under control but lately the will power just hasn't been there.  I hoping a bit of competition with myself and my pocketbook will get me motivated to do what I need to do.  I'm hoping that some of my teammates will check on me and hold me accountable somehow - so that I'll get this done - and WIN!!!