Breakfast: breakfast sandwich from work cafe: whole wheat english muffin, cheddar, egg, sausage patty + blue machine naked juice. 

Lunch: apple, leftover casserole (the last portion boo)

Snack: fruit leather, whole wheat waffle + a bit of real maple syrup

Dinner: chicken pad thai (I didn't eat the whole thing. Progress!), juice from Trader Joe's, 1/2 of an incredible cupcake

Workout: not much of a workout... just several ab exercises and body weight exercises to get the blood somewhat pumping :P.

This is a good example of the level of underpreparedness that I often have with regards to food. Not enough time for breakfast at home, so I got it at my work cafe. Nobody wants to put in effort at dinnertime (even though there are plenty of options), so we order in. My lunch remained very healthy, but obviously I'm not going to beat myself up. My boyfriend was so thoughtful and brought home a cupcake that we could share from his work. I never want to turn down an experience or random act of kindness that would result in a small deviation from "my plan." Live! I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning... wish me luck!