Hello! My Saturday and Sunday was full of healthy-ish food and not-so-healthy-at-all food, and I think the latter group won. I still only had one coke, though! But here are my eats and workout for Monday the 2nd (happy March!)

Breakfast: leftover breakfast wrap from brunch on Sunday- scrambled eggs, bacon bits, cheese, hashbrowns. Very filling! 

Lunch: leftover broccoli cream of mushroom thing over egg noodles. Delicious! 

Snacks: larabar, cupcake, 4 thin mint cookies

Workout: ~2.5 mile run home from volunteering and away from the cupcakes!! 

Dinner: 2 pieces of toasted french bread- one with butter and one with peanut butter

Haha not my best effort... I was all over the place today. My run felt great! Small victories :P.