This post reflects a couple of previous posts that I've made lately ... The dreaded anticipated plan versus the actual execution thereof. So often it ends up being that what we anticipate doing is very different than what we ACTUALLY do! And this can obviously be a good or a bad thing.

I posted in great anticipation last week about how fantastic the weather was going to be this week and how my foot would be all healed up and I'd get all this running in (and there'd be unicorns and daisies and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ...). Well that being said, the actual is *really really* different than all my great intentions, but not completely *bad* thankfully, just different.

I think sometimes taking stock of where we thought we would be versus where we are, or where we are heading, is worthwhile. It's good to stop in the middle and say, ok, this is what I expected to do but this is really the path I am going down. This allows us to make corrections and I'm not just referring to doing this on a weekly basis - as really, you can even do this multiple times on a daily basis. In fact it is one of the first things my trainer told me when we first met, that this is what she does two to three times a day to ensure that she is doing what she needs to be doing to get the results she is hoping to achieve!

Well reality is I am a bit off track, in the sense that the cardio thing hasn't quite worked out. It also looks like rain and I'm thinking maybe the weather is not really cooperating either. So the minor correction? Well I did manage to get 2 miles in yesterday on the treadmill as a combination of running and walking. I also took action and went and got a 'more suited to my foot' pair of running shoes at lunchtime. I had a killer strength session this morning and I have been eating clean this week, sticking to my food program. It's only the start, but getting off on a good foot despite the setbacks now means that the more I practice doing this, the easier setbacks will be to manage in the future!

I hope that everyone else is having a good week so far ... I urge you all to stop and think about where you are right now versus where you thought in your head last week you wanted to be right now ... Minor correction? Major correction? Better than you thought? Or maybe right on track?

Happy Tuesday!