I haven't blogged in a while, I guess life and contemplation in reality has taken up time rather than me being able to sit and spew my thoughts forth virtually!

So I made the decision to drop out of dietbet. The reason being that on this journey I am realizing more and more that maybe that wasn't the best decision for me to take - to try to be so aggressive in trying to 'lose weight' when reality is I'm not THAT overweight to begin with and yes, while I would like to lose a few pounds in a couple 'trouble spots', 10% would be extreme and also my relationship with a healthy eating pattern is really what matters most.

None of us are perfect - if we were, we wouldn't be on here at this point in our lives. We wouldn't be facing this struggle. We may have felt we have found the perfect plan, the one we can stick with, the healthiest, the one that is the best decision for our lives  - like some lightbulb going off, but in the end that can be a work in progress too.

Where I am with my food journey right now is that I am seeking the professional help of a nutritionist who works according to sound nutritional education as appose to some plan I found on the internet or whatever the latest, greatest fad is that sells books or high priced consultations to 'get the skinny'. My reasons for doing this are related to a few things:

  • feeling tired even when eating excess calories
  • low energy
  • sugar rush when eating something sweet
  • inability to get weight down and stay down
  • counting calories which I find problematic and overall unrealistic


Now I know some of you reading this could be tempted to give me advice - and I thank you for the thoughts but I'm past trying to self-diagnose. I don't think there is anything really 'wrong' with me, I just think being overly conditioned towards calorie counting has left me somewhat deficit in truly healthy eating on a daily basis that has more to do with portion control, choice control and being able to choose the best foods for my energy levels, body and overall biological function. In the end food is supposed to fuel, not merely satiate taste buds, and this calorie counting thing really means you can end up putting anything into your body AS long as it meets the calories going in.

So what about things like micronutrients? Healthy fats that support our endocrine system as we age? The effect insulin has on our bodies based on what we take in? The effects of all day grazing also known as meals + snacks versus three solid meals a day?

I want to be healthier than I am now. I want to cook and eat and make choices based on what I am feeding my body. I am tired of abusing it because it impedes the way that I operate, the choices I make, the moods I have, which further impact those I interact with. Food has a way of making or breaking us. I want it to make me - fully and completely.

To better health!