Exercise: fitstar yoga, biking around instead of driving/riding public transit, horseback riding

Craving: Chocolate cake

Eating: frozen cherries and a bite of chocolate cake (more on this below)

Song of the day: Nina by Ed Sheeran

Good thing of the day: Riding (horse or bike) out in the nice warm sunshine. 

Annoying thing of the day: Boyfriend knew I am super stressed at work and brought home a piece of chocolate cake when he went food shopping. I only ate 1/4th of it (~150calories that was my guess using what I found from myfittnesspal) which fit into my daily calorie budget. But now I have 3/4 of a piece of chocolate cake in my fridge. Calling on the powers of self-control! On the bright side this could be a good exercise in self-control... if it works. 


I mean lets be realistic here I will never give up choclate cake (you only live once right?!) but I could be better at eating a little bit at a time and savoring it instead of eating the whole piece in one sitting.