Exercise: Yoga from fitstar, horseback riding, and running 6mile long run in the rain

I love running in spring rain. It just smells different. Plus my inner kid comes out when there are nice big puddles to splash in.

Craving: Reese’s peanut butter cups

Eating:  I got a Reese’s peanut butter egg after my long run as my reward. Just one.

Song of the day: Timber by Pitbull

Good thing of the day: A good running buddy is hard to find; one that no matter what the distance, weather, or mood they still come out to join you. Luckily I found a few. Oh and paying it forward. There was this lady in the supermarket that didn’t have enough money to pay for her groceries and before I could go to help this other lady came up and told her just to pay it forward and then paid for her food. Good people exist!

Annoying thing of the day: Lack of time. I wish I had more time which makes me think I just don’t schedule my day good enough but really I think I just have too much on my plate.