What do you do when the weight is just not going down? What do you do when you can't find the enthusiasm to go the gym or even just to walk outside? What do you do when all you want to do is sit in front of the TV and eat junk food all day? My junk is choice is usually chocolate cake, ice cream and pizza. What do you do when you feel like there is no way out of this rut that you have gotten yourself into?

I know that we have all felt this way one time or the other during our weight loss journey. I know I have on more than one occassion. Before I would just get depressed that I am either not losing weight or regaining the weight I lost but these days I have a new attitude.

Even if I backslide and I gain some of the weight back or I don't lose as much as I want to, I refuse to give up on myself. This journey is not an easy one and all I can do is take it one step at a time. Cliche I know but so true. I honestly think it's just that simple. Keep going. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off and get right back on the horse.

Sometimes we just have to MAKE ourselves go to the gym or take that walk and that's ok. Once you are out there, even if its just for a few minutes everyday to start off with, at least you were out there right?

As for the food, I try not to feel guilty every time I eat something bad. It doesn't work for me. It makes me more depressed when I beat myself up over having a slice of cake. I look at it like this. Ok so I had that slice of cake today but are you gonna eat another one tomorrow. No! That was my treat for the week so tomorrow I will eat something healthier. 

This may not be the best way to go about it but it works for me. By not beating myself up and making myself feel horrible for not eating right or working out, I have found myself make better choices with my food and my exercise regime.

By becoming comfortable with the way I am now and loving me for me, I have made a lifestyle change that is helping me become healthier.

Don't ever give up on yourself and continue to love who you are no matter what the scale says. You are beautiful. I am beautiful. We are all beautiful.