I ran! Took me awhile to get up. Cramps were murder this morning. BUT, I ran through them. AND got some chores done too. Ran five, did some chores. Ran five more, did more chores. Then eventually got up to ten min, then 15 at a time. I still had cramps after so I pampered myself with a epsom salt bath. Felt awesome. Read my gluten free magazine and decided I need to get a subscription. Really informative and can't wait to try some of those recipes.

Miss my hubby. I don't like when he has to work weekends. Doesn't feel quite like a weekend. :-(

So, yesterday I did end up using it as a cheat day. I made chocolate chip cookies. Mainly for the dough. ;-) YUM. And hubby picked up five guys. They are basically the only place I can get fries and not have a gluten reaction. So, little bit of fries and one bunless burger. Not so bad. I used to eat two burgers and eat most of the fries. Well, the cup of fries is still full! I only ate the little bit in the bag. I listened to my body and my body was done quickly. Appetite got smaller? I did have a orange cream soda. Probably the worst of what I had yesterday. Overall, I am proud of myself. AND the cookies are sitting in the kitchen and I haven't eaten any today. I think I will ask my hubby to share them with work tomorrow. Get them OUT of the house. 

I wonder what the scale will say tomorrow. The beginning of week started off good, but ended not so great. AND now cycle on top of that.... I really don't know. I would be pleased if it just stays the same as last weekend. I guess only tomorrow will tell. I hope the cramps subside so I can get up early and work out with hubby in the morning. He worked out this morning. Very proud of him. Wonder what the scale will say for him tomorrow. I know he isn't confident. Again, the scale will speak in the morning. 

I am thinkin if he wants to have another workout when he gets home I would too. Honestly it would be the only thing to keep me from going to sleep right now. So out of it. I hate that this time of the month can throw you off so much. It sucks. Then my mom tells me I could even be starting menopause. Thanks mom. :-/ UGH, so unmotivated right now.

Trying to decide what to do...bills, switch laundry, read sis letter, damn I am just .... blah. Do you have those days? Those days that you need someone to tell you what to do next?