It felt pretty awesome to press that down arrow to get to my current weight for today's weigh-in. :-)

If that doesn't get me motivated and moving today what will? 

Actually, sometimes it can have the opposite effect. You almost feel like you can relax a little. Cheat. Stray. However you want to put it. Come on, you know you have done it. You are thinking, I didn't have a great week but I lost weight, hmmm, maybe I can get away with that extra helping, that piece of candy, that late night snack, missing that workout, not putting my all in and just going through the movements...etc. NOT. DON'T DO IT! It catches up. DUH, that is why we are here in the first place. 

We only have about a week left. SPRINT! don't walk. We can do this!!!!

I pushed through cramps again today and ran. Didn't do anything else, but at least I got that in. If hubby doesn't get home too late we are planning on working out together. Hopefully that is it for the cramps. 

I just saw Cinderella with my mom. She really wanted to see it. I thought she was supposed to go with my sister but she went without her, so I surprised my mom by taking her. She was very happy. :-) It was very nice. Loved the Olaf Frozen flick that came on before it. The actor that played the prince was very nice looking. Hey, maybe he could have played Grey. :-P LOL

I took a pop-secret bag and water with me. I didn't even bring candy. And didn't buy soda. I'm a good girl. :-) I ended up sharing the leftover cookies with my hubby last night. Cookies seriously can not be in the house. I have to make them, and get them OUT right away. The chocolate chips were speaking to me. 

Devon has liberty Sunday starting around 1:30PM. So I am hoping I should hear from him soon. 

In the meantime, I have goals set for today.

Finish cleaning bedroom, laundry, living room, and do bills and paperwork.

So....need to get to work!