But I do it anyway. And religiously.

When the scale is up, I'm crushed! But when the scale is down, I'm thrilled!

The past week has been a roller coaster ride, with crushing gains and not very many encouraging losses on the scale. I've been staying under my calories and increasing activity, so it's really disappointing to not see progress each and every day. I know weight fluctuates from day to day, but, you know, not MY weight. 

I was doing some online reading about weight loss, and found a suggestion to do intermittent fasting. The idea is to restrict your eating to a four hour time slot in the day, and to have only zero calorie drinks in the other twenty hours of the day. I did this yesterday (eating only between 4 and 8 pm) and today I'm down a pound. 

I was really hungry by 4 pm, and really full at 4:30, so didn't eat any more until about 7:30. I was below my calorie limit for the day and had water later to keep me happy. It worked. Or the scale was due to drop anyway, not sure which. I'm doing it again today. Here's hoping.

The website that got me interested in doing intermittent fasting is nowloss.com (which I am not affiliated with in any way.)

Progress is the best encouragement. :)