This was the month where the dietbet became real. 

Month One was something of a cakewalk; stop eating like a damned pig and I was bound to lose some weight.  Water weight loss didn't hurt the numbers either.

Month Two it became more of a challenge.  The numbers started to slow down, even go up.  I needed to ramp up my activity, and tweak my eating plan.  Even then there was some last minute smoke and morrors.  Lots of activity, a bit of fasting, and I squaked in right on the money.

Month Three was where I had to face my demons.  Unfortunately, I waited until two weeks into the month, thinking I could compress the weight loss as I had done in Month Two.  No dice on this one.  My body is fighting back a bit, and any loss will have to be earned slow and steady.

It was with profound humliation that I submitted a weight loss of .5 pounds.  The tired mantra of 'moving in the right direction' holds no credibility.  I know I could have achieved my goals; I simply became arrogant.  Now I need to refocus myself and understand that it is a marathon, not a sprint.