I am SO excited to be participating in Shaun T's DietBet challenge.  It starts TODAY!  I have been a huge fan of Shaun T for years, since my neighbors in Tampa invited me over to start the Insanity program in 2012.  I'm sure he has many more fans who have followed him longer, but since my first fit test three years ago, I have just loved him.  

I started Insanity four separate times, but this time is the first time I will have completed it.  I am in my last week this week, which means I only have four more workouts and a final fit test until it's complete!  I received Insanity Max 30 in the mail on my birthday, and I am looking forward to working on that next.

My weight spiked quite a bit between my last game and this one starting today.  I did weigh in lower than my first weigh in for the previous game, but I was still a little annoyed with myself for going hog wild on that five-day break.  My personal goal is to weigh in at 6% less than my verified starting weight for this new game.  I hope I make it!

I have made my food diary public on MFP public.  Please add me @adrianesorrels.  I didn't track my food on those five days between bets, but I tend to do an okay job tracking while in an active bet.  I'm hoping the more people who review my activity the more accountable I will hold myself.

Good luck to everyone in the game!  Shaun T is a true gift to us, and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us.