Okay. This is happening. Or, it already has.

I'm practically a vegetarian already. (That sentence makes no sense, but hear me out.)

I've never been one to eat a lot of meat. For the most part I stick to a vegetarian-like diet. ie. no meat. I dont care for the texture and I always feel like I'm being dragged down after I eat it. But you know, being Korean, I do have a soft spot for Korean BBQ. I typically will not deprive myself of my wants, in moderation.

Enough with the back story. I get sick. Easily. Often. I had pneumonia in highschool which shot my immune system. So now, I get sick, it lasts a few weeks then goes away. Repeat. And as I coughed away these past few days, I thought about what I was feeding my body. I began to reminisce...

February 2013 I start training for my first half marathon. Let me clear. I hate running. With a passion. I only chose to do this because at the time I wanted to join the USAF and thought this would be a great way to get in shape. And it was! I was running five days a week, eating clean, feeling great. My depression went away. I never felt better. Then I decided to take it one step further. I went vegan. Only for about two weeks ha. But during those two weeks I had a newfound energy. I slept even better than clean eating alone. Then my parents threw a cookout in honor of me finsihing the race in my goal time. I had a veggie burger, but I love my cheese. I couldn't deny it. And alas, I went back to eating crap.

During the four months that I treated my body with the foods it needed, not wanted, I did not get sick. Mentally and physically. Not once. This is why I decided to embark on this journey once more, and for the long run.

Beginning yesterday I decided to remove meat from my diet completely. I will finish out this month as a vegetarian. Focusing on veganism but I will not beat myself up over having a protien bar made with milk. Beginning February I will eliminate all animal products. So no more Nature Valley Coconut Almond Protein bars :\

In 21 days I will offically start this next (and last) journey of health as a vegan.

But in reality, I really hope I can keep this up. This will not be easy and I am already preparing myself for the obstacles that await me.


"Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food." -Hippocrates