I've been thinking a lot about starts and stops and resets and do overs.

Healthy is not a place I can arrive at is my bottom line.  It is an ongoing part of life.  I will have days fueled with awesome choices, thus success and days when I just make decisions that aren't worthy of acknowledging!  

How can I manage this without the emotional baggage of failure, backsliding and self-loathing? I am a food addict; I have made lots of poor food selections.  This is going to be a forever effort for me.  This changed outlook of daily healthy living may be my saving grace.

Today, right this minute, I'm not wanting to put low quality food into my body, but an hour from now that may change; if I do, I vow to not to a do over but to do something different----Maybe just a bite, a walk around the block a count down on a timer...just something to do it different.