Hi, I'm Becky and I'm a yo-yo dieter. I am now in my 3rd transformer and one millionth kickstarter. I am basically starting over and relosing the same 20 lbs once again. I know I can do it because I've done it before. The thing I have been pondering and hoping to finally learn is: How do I stop this craziness and just stay at or around my goal weight once and for all!?!?  Last time I did this, I hung all my hopes on joinging a Maintainer game after the loss and that, that motivation would magically change me. I wouldn't want to lose my monthly rounds right? So I would stick with it and weigh regulary and it would just work. It worked for a while, I loved the commeraderie and tips and help from my fellow maintainers, but, just like always, life got super stressful and hectic. (Happens to all of us so I will spare you the boring details.) And just like with kickstarters that I had lost in the past, I began to let months/rounds slip by where I wouldnt even weigh in and would lose by default, telling myself I would start back dieting soon and would be back on track next round. The thing that finally motivated me to get back on track? Just like every time in the past, I hit what I consider rock bottom, when I look and feel terrible in my clothes (and can't even fit into most of them anymore) and usually a big event comes up where I need to look nice and cannot fit into my nice outfits. That is the final straw, and because I find going to special evens in bulging outfits super embarrasing, this is the "stick" that finally motivates me and puts me back on track. So that explains why the maintainer didn't work for me. It is a "carrot". Maintaining your nice weight, looking great in your clothes, winning prizes and money...those are all carrots. What really motivates me is the stick. So now to figure out how to use this knowledge to stop the insanity and finally keep off the weight. Please let me know if you have any ideas. My current plan is this: Follow last time's formula: Transformer and kickstarters, then follow up by joining a Maintainer BUT this time, make DAILY weighting as unquestionly part of my routine as brushing my teeth and feeding my cats. Then when my weight goes up 4%, as life has proven is probably inevitable, I will immediately join a kickstarter and if my motivation level is low I will join a high stakes kickstarter. (losing $100 is a real "stick" in my mind.) Too bad the stick works better than the carrot for me but at least I know myself right? Here goes....