Lets Talk about weight loss.

You and I both know that "magic pill" just doesn't exist. By now im sure you feel the same way I did when I started. The feeling when the more you try and try your hardest only to feel heartbroken when all your efforts didnt give you the results that you wanted. What I have learned about weight loss is that it is COMPLICATED.

I continue to chase "skinny" to the point that sometimes I feel its driving me crazy. Every weight in, every calorie restriction, every carb restriction and every drop of sweat gave the illusion I was in total control. It fed my belief I was closer to happy, closer to skinny. So I clicked my way wasnt working so - change the plan dont change the goal.

Losing weight wont bring you happiness. I tried to lose weight because I thought it would make me a better person, and id be more lovable if I was thinner. So to better my self mentally I stopped focusing on losing weight and started focusing on what healthier living would provide me. Energy, a full heart, vibrancy, clear mind, good sleep, active body, self love, confidence and happiness.

I was feeling everything. Detoxing from all the bad and unhealthy habits helped me grow. If I only obsess over the number on the scale Vs all the NSV and extra feelings and accomplishments I would hae never learned what I needed to take care of myself. Mentally and physically. I learned about respecting my body, growing emotionally, growing spiritually, and helped me to leading a full life.

So Take better care of yourself and your efforts. Dont be so hard on yourself if the scale isnt where you want it to be. Remember and praise yourself for all those NSV too. To acheive personal happiness you must accept yourself and all the amazing things you and your body can do.

Start by asking yourself:

Am I neglecting myself (mentally or Physically)?

Am I worthy of my full attention?

Am I too busy?

Am I too tired?

Am I too stressed?

However legitimate the reason might be DO NOT let them excuse you from your commitment of bettering yourself. 

Instead use "I matter enough to (eat breakfast, drink more water, sleep more, laugh more, be more active, care about myself).