Going sugar free?

Does it ever get easier?

Well I'm a week in and so far no luck.

We all have that love hate relationship with sugar. It tastes so good but it does soooo much bad. Despite its deliciousness its alot like that ex boyfriend you know the one self absorbed, lame and not really doing much for you. So you just gotta let it go.

From my experience the first few days wern't so bad but by day 4 it was rough. I dropped my daughter off at the airport for a week long trip with her schools enrichment group and the stress monster was creeping up. I fought every urge but still he was there steady lurking. I stayed strong and tried keeping my mind off of it but its everywhere. Its that 4 layer choclate cake on Facebook or the Ice cream Sunday in the commercial on tv. Its at the checkouts and the resuraunt menus. Its overwhelming to a crazy extent. I pushed through and by the end day 4 it was a success. Day 5 was okay nothing to crazy. Then by day 6 depression was rearing its ugly head all I wanted was to eat my feelings, I am so use to sugar solving all my emotional problems while in reality its causeing damage to my body. Nevertheless I am happy to say I succeded at staying far away. Here we are day 8 and TMI here comes my period along with those ugly cravings. Plus to top it off its potluck at work and I have never wanted a piece of cake so bad in my life but I am ambitious. I will stay strong. I will kick sugar to the curb.

In reality though, does this ever really get easier?

Some articles i have read state it takes 10 days to 2 weeks for the cravings to subside. Even then they wont be entirely removed but the strong physical cravings will hopefully have lessened. Of course though everyones experiences are different and as they say "slow and steady wins the race." I am taking it one day at a time every 24 hrs. I don't have the answers and I am definately not a professional but I do know I'm trying and it is not easy. No pun intended, but I'm not sugar coating it either when i say the struggle is real.

Stay tuned for part 2