This is a new way to lose wieght and it's not as easy as I"m used to.  I'm trying hard not to have to give up fruit.   I find I'm hungry more when I eat fruit because it has so many sugars and carbs and it's impossible to keep my carbs under 100 and eat fruit, but I've carb deprived before and the wieght comes back.  

I'm already alergic to the protein in hard cheeses, and very gluten sensitive, so I already have a restricted diet for life, so giving up fruit always really sucks.   However I'm finding the scale is a bit more stuborn with the keeping of the fruit, but I really want this to be a lifestyle change all the way around, so I'm trying to do it slower and not giving up too much.   I even had a skinny Margarita last Saturday night.   That being said I think I need to step up my water intake and excercise.  I've been taking stairs at work and parking far away in the back end of the parking lot, and staying on my feet until at least 8 p.m. instead of coming home and sitting, but my scale is not moving....except it moved up a bit...grhhhh.   I've been waiting for my new Swim Spa but that may be a few more weeks until hubby has the site ready to place it, so I've got to find some motivation to do something else.   I may start walking on my lunch.  There is another gal in my office that walks alone every day at 1:00.  I don't like having my lunch that late, but I haven't been hungry much by my regular time, so maybe I will try to adjust my times to eat.   I smoked chicken last night, and I'm way looking forward to eating that for lunch today!  

I'm taking more interest in preparing food and that's half the battle!  I'm proud of myself for not depriving my body of a food group, and for not letting the scale tell me to be drastic.  :-)    If worse comes to worse I can give up fruit a few days before the wiegh in and I'm sure the scale will move enough....I HOPE anyway! 

Everyone have a successful Thursday and remember that you are investing in your relationships as much as yourself, because the better we take care of ourselfs, the more we have to give!  Peace out - Tonya N