Ok, my third child  is 9 months old and I'm ready to get strong, disciplined, healthy and lean once again.  I have successfully managed to lose the weight between my babies (25-40lb gains), and I'm ready for round number 3 of successful weight loss.  I don't have far to go, only 5ish pounds, but it's the last five pounds that sometimes takes the most discipline to lose.  Excercise and clean eating has always been a value for me, but sometimes in taking care of 3 small children I can forget my priorities and eat for comfort and a "quick fix" of energy instead of eating for health.  

Here is what I believe about health/food/body, etc:

1.  My body is a gift from God, and I was fearfully and wonderfully made.  I am a steward of this body, and if my body is truly a gift, I need to treat it as such. 

2.  Self criticsm and self hatred are not only internally destructive, they are also counter productive to weight loss.  I don't lose weight or exercise because i hate my body... I do these things because I love and honour my body. 

3.  Weight loss must begin and end with honour.  That means honouring your body enough to feed it the most nutritious and body-nurturing foods I can.  No "diet foods" or fake sugars.  Clean Eating is the way to go.  Also, I don't believe in eliminating whole food groups.  I believe in a clean balanced diet.

4. I don't try to feed my soul with food.  Feed your body with food and your soul with the things in life that produce joy, peace, love, and endorphins.

5. Exercise feeds one's soul.  Or at least it feeds my soul.  Or at least it helps my life feel more "half full" and less overwhelmed.  I have never regretted a good workout.

6.  I don't focus on eliminating certain foods: any time I decide "I'll never eat a chocolate bar again", instantly it backfires and I start craving chocolate.  Instead, I focus on what to INCLUDE... like MORE fruit, veggies, lentils, etc.  What I do must be sustainable as a LIFESTYLE.

7.  I must set myself up for success.  Planning is key.  I don't keep "easy binge foods" in my home... like chocolate bars or cake, etc.  If I want a treat, I'll have a treat while I'm out somewhere.  I need to keep easily accessible healthy snacks on hand, and premade salads, etc. That way when my blood sugar dips low, I have body-honouring options readily available.  


Ok, that's it for now!!!  Next blog will be my PLAN for success.