Pretty pleased


07/04/2016 12:56PM
Hello! I'm also 5'3 and have similar current start/goal weight. I also reached my goal and then put back on around 20lbs. Your statement "I miss the part about eating with abandon and not being aware of the consequences." is so me. That is how I love to live best but that way leads to a steady increase in my weight. I have found a happy medium I think between the constant calorie counting and food logging of single-minded weight loss and that ignorance-is-bliss food nirvana. I've been enjoying painfully slow but steady success since April eating mainly the healthy foods that I do really like (I'm kinda picky) and balancing that with treats in moderation (to keep my happy and try to make this sustainable long term). I'm halfway to my goal now. If I can keep this up and get to goal then I think the loss will be sustainable because I know I will never give up chocolate or bread or family celebrations. Also, if I don't have to write everything in a journal, making it a pain to keep up, then maybe I won't be so quick to chuck it all and nosedive into mindless eating again. Well those are my thoughts from a kindred dieter. Wishing us both the best of success.

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