New to DietBet?

21,531 members $2,599,991.98 won 62,750.9 lbs


08/23/2019 2:48PM
Hi this is my first time ever using diet bet. I joined a kickstarter and is was $35. I paid the extra $5 but I do not know what I paid that for and can not find it on the web site explaining what it is, can you help me?
Another question is if I want to join another bet is there a read up on that group leader, if so where do I find that?
Thanks for any help

Referee Maureen likes this comment.

Referee Maureen

Hi Denni! Welcome to the community! The 5.00 was for the membership. DietBet Membership gives you access to features that help make your game more fun and boost your odds of success. This includes:

Weekly Progress Weigh-ins that keep you motivated and enter you to win that week's Progress Prize. Progress Prizes are exciting prizes randomly given to DietBet Members who submitted a Progress Weigh-in during the previous week. The prizes vary from week to week, and are meant to reward Members for holding themselves accountable with regular weigh-ins.

A guided goal-setting journal to help you track your progress

You can learn more here:

For the games, there will only be a write up if the host chooses to share one in the game feed. You can view that by visiting the game. If you have any additional questions you can reach out to us at :)


Thank you for explaining