CrossFit to get Fit!

66 members $15,001.13 won 357.4 lbs


11/09/2018 6:10AM
Got my workout in today!


04/02/2018 5:33AM
I just joined my first DietBet a couple of weeks ago. Up until October I had been doing crossfit for 6 months and then a couple things happened. 1. I quit smoking this was huge for me as I had smoked for 300 plus years. 2. I ended up with carpal tunnel in both wrists from my job so no more crossfit for a while. Gained back the 40lbs I had lost. Had first surgery three weeks ago so I am limited to running, sit-ups, and air squats as I can’t do anything that puts pressure on my right hand and will be going in for surgery on the left in probably about 3 weeks. I am missing all of my spartan races this year and tough mudder. I am determined to get back to better than I was before.


10/23/2017 11:05AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN'
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!

Jenna T.

07/07/2017 1:40PM
Just joined DietBet and have been doing Crossfit for 2 months! 💪

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Katrina D.

02/21/2017 6:44PM
Crossfit, I love you and hate you all wrapped into one!! Warm up: 2 Rounds - 60 jumping jacks, 30 squats, 15 push ups, 5 ring rows. Workout: 10 minutes of working on a weakness (pull ups), then 20 minutes to finish: 65-40-20 sit ups alternated with 35-25-15 squat cleans (55 lbs). Took me 19:38 to finish that beast!

Katrina D.

02/18/2017 6:13AM
I just joined my first DietBet. Although it looks like no one really utilizes this group anymore, I will try to help resuscitate!! A little about me, I currently live in a small town in Louisiana and have been a member of a Crossfit gym since December. I hurt my back in the first week of January and was out for the entire month! Now, I have started back up again but with kids and work, scheduling can be a bit of a nightmare.

Jenna T. likes this comment.


01/14/2017 10:25PM
Is this group still active?


03/05/2016 9:05AM
I have began going to 5:30 am classes instead of 5:30 pm classes and it has made a notable difference in my weight loss and how I feel throughout the day. Exciting stuff!

Tina likes this comment.


02/26/2016 9:31PM
Anyone joining a dietbet game soon? Looking for a new one.

Tracey A.

12/31/2015 5:38AM
new back squat PR! 275# baby! 300, I'm coming for you!

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