I've always heard that Breakfast is "the most important meal of the day" - I completely agree with that!

I haven't always been a breakfast person. I wouldn't eat breakfast, while I would make it for my family - waffles, pancakes, french toast, eggs, bacon, toast...whatever it might be. I didn't feel hungry - so I chose to skip breakfast. I waited until lunch time to fuel up. Probably not the best thing since I would be starving by the time lunch rolled around.

I started noticing something as I've become acustomed to eating breakfast daily. I'm not grumpy in the mornings. I eat a lighter lunch. I snack far less and make better (healthier) choices.

So for those of you who skip breakfast you might want to re-think that.

I had some delicious overnight oats for breakfast this morning - some almond milk, chia seeds, rolled oats, smashed banana, and cinnamon! YUMMY!